United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1631

United Nations resolution adopted in 1961
68 voted for
  • 13 voted against
  • 20 abstained
  • 1 present not voting
  • ResultAdopted

    United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1631 was adopted on October 27, 1961 to admit Mauritania to membership in the United Nations.

    The resolution was adopted by a majority of 68 members with 13 opposing, 20 abstaining and Cyprus didn't vote.

    Voting Results

    The result of the voting was the following:[1]

    For Against Abstentions
     Argentina  Cuba  Afghanistan
     Australia  Guinea  Albania
     Austria  Iraq  Bulgaria
     Belgium  Jordan  Byelorussian SSR
     Bolivia  Lebanon  Cambodia
     Brazil  Libya Congo-Léopoldville
     Burma  Mali  Czechoslovakia
     Cameroon  Morocco  Ghana
     Canada  Saudi Arabia  Guatemala
     Central African Republic  Sudan  Hungary
     Ceylon  Syria  India
     Chad  United Arab Republic  Indonesia
     Chile  Yemen  Mongolia
     China    Nepal
     Colombia  Pakistan
     Congo-Brazzaville  Poland
     Costa Rica  Romania
     Dahomey  Ukrainian SSR
     Denmark  Soviet Union
     Dominican Republic  Yugoslavia
     El Salvador
     Federation of Malaya
     Ivory Coast
     New Zealand
     Sierra Leone
     South Africa
     United Kingdom
     United States
     Upper Volta


    1. ^ "A/RES/1631". UNBISNET. Retrieved 24 May 2015.
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